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We love God & we love people. 
Love must be first vertical then horizontal.

Matthew 22:37- 39

We are authentic. 
We operate without pretense or any need to impress. We are accountable to one another out of genuine relationship. We exhibit no man-made hierarchies of importance or undue emphasis on titles; but each individual serving the vision God has apportioned to our church family.

James 5:16 MSG

We are dependent.
We totally depend on the power of God. We refuse to rely upon man-made tricks, schemes, or gimmicks. We are creative in our approach to all things and willing to think outside the box. In all things, we acknowledge that God’s power alone can transform a life. Therefore, we rely solely on the power of prayer, the leading of the Spirit, the gifts of the Spirit, and the anointing of God. We stand in faith for healing, provision, and protection that comes only from the power of Christ. 
I Corinthians 2:2-5 NKJV

We are excellent.
We are committed to excellence in all things. Thereby, requiring a fierce commitment to planning, effective communication, best-effort execution, continuous evaluation of all aspects of ministry, and a commitment to always get better.

Daniel 6:3 NKJV

We are generous.  
We are a culture that thinks “others” instead of “us.” We have an environment that does not brow beat, manipulate, or give undue pressure for money. Rather, we teach and expect those in covenant with us to give according to the biblical mandate of tithes, offering, and alms. Overall we practice generosity with our time, talent, and treasure.

I Timothy 6:18, 19 NKJV

We are grateful.  
We have an environment that chooses to see the best in our circumstances and in others. We choose to give thanks to God for all that He has done, rather than mourn the things we do not have. We practice gratitude toward God and one another, continually acknowledging how blessed we are to have God and our family of friends.

I Thessalonians 5:18 NKJV

We are joyful. 
Joyfulness is an attitude that choses to be infectiously positive and to see the best in every situation.  

James 1:2-5 NKJV

We are relevant. 
We purpose to remain true to the pure message of Christ, but extremely flexible in our methods to deliver that message to a rapidly changing culture. We resist the temptation to fall in love with “our way.” We know that our God is the great I AM. He is always ready to use us to meet the needs of the present generation with His eternal message.

I Corinthians 9:19-23 NKJV

We are one team. 
We are one in name, aim, vision, and purpose.

1 Corinthians 12:14-31 MSG

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Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh
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